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Fiber Optic Cables And Passive Components – Know The Essential Aspects

Fiber Optic Cables And Passive Components – Know The Essential Aspects 


Do you know what makes the Internet perfect? It is the speed and the connectivity. Optical fiber is the future of Internet connectivity and is currently replacing every other conventional means of networking. The reliability of the connection established with a fiber optic network is impeccable. The scope to enhance the offerings of the fiber optic network is also extensive. Thus, one can find various components and ever-evolving solutions with fiber optic cables.


Optical devices – Passive and active


Do you know there are two types of fiber optic cables and networks? Active and passive are the two types that distinguish the fiber optic connection. There are different types of devices used for communication over a long distance. Based on the input signals, the classification of fiber optic cables and devices has been made.

The passive components in a fiber network need no input power for functioning. For instance, it can be two simply-designed components for linking the fiber pieces. In contrast, the active device is a circuit component with electrical connections. These are the fundamental differentiating pointers of both fiber optic components. 


Getting an overall idea – Passive optical network


Why do you think the word passive is used for referring to the optical network? Hear the word passive refers to the use of. Light and mirror for passing the signals through the fiber cable. It does not directly use other forms of charges to send the signals, and the total internal reflection is the primary principle through which the optical signal gets passed through the fibers. 


The PON internet or shared fiber utilizes the unpowered network components and a common example of this is the broadband in your house. It is a setup that brings internet connectivity to your building. The different parts of the passive network are – 


  • Optical line terminal (OLT) - A at the ISP central hub
  • Optical network terminal (ONT) - A device near your building
  • Optical network unit (ONU) – The virtual ONT 


Benefits of the passive optical network


There are multiple benefits of the passive optical network, making it a popular choice across several industries. Especially for building-based network connections, the popularity of the passive optical network is noteworthy. Know the top benefits of the network before getting into the details of the components. 


  1. About the speed – PON technology and the components support a high-speed network. The data transmission is smooth and seamless. The symmetrical data transfer allows increased speed, irrespective of upstream and downstream operations. It is beneficial for residential and business connections. 
  2. About the cost – As discussed, the passive components need no additional setup for functioning, and the signal gets transmitted with the principle of light traveling and total internal reflection, the cost is comparatively low. Simply put, it is cost-effective for using single to multi-node outputs. 
  3. Flexible and scalable – The single-point to multi-point advantage of a passive optical network is highly effective and beneficial. Especially for businesses, network expandability is particularly advantageous. One can increase the bandwidth capacity with business development. 


The components that matter the most


Now that you have an overall idea about the network and its benefits, it is time to review the components. What are the most crucial passive fiber optical components that constitute the network? Read on and know – 


  1. Optical connectors – These connectors are for the temporary joints of optical fibers or devices. The optical connectors are of different types including ST, MTRC, etc. It creates an integral part of the PON setup. 
  2. Couplers and splitters – The optical coupler is a device combining light signals from distinct sources or fibers. The optical splitter is the device that scatters or separates light into distinct fibers. There are different splitters like – FBT, block less, bare fiber, etc.  
  3. Optical attenuators – The optical attenuators reduce the power of the transmitted light. It happens in a controlled manner. It is generally used in conserving the receiver from saturation point, wavelength balancing, or testing. 
  4. Optical isolators – As the name implies, optical isolators are preventing devices. It prevents the scattering of the counter-reflected light. However, the optical isolators only work in a single direction for propagating the light. 
  5. Optical switches – This is a switch in the fiber network monitoring the dynamicity of the signals across the various physical connections and nodes. It is present between the input and output ports. The switches are of different types, depending on the fabrication technique. 
  6. Optical circulators – The optical circulator is a non-reciprocal device. Simply put, it provides unidirectional support to the optical signal traveling from one port to another in a sequential process. 



Ensure premium solution at a lower cost – The ultimate success code!


Ensure the best components and functionality of the part by choosing the ideal sources. Order the passive fiber optic components from a reliable distributor to ensure optimal operability. Establish a cost-effective network for residential compounds or business premises to find a budget-friendly solution. 


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