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Master clocks for Media Broadcasting Companies – Time Synchronization And Its Need


Media and broadcasting companies communicate with the public through their platform. The companies broadcast information to the public. The mass-dependent services are not restricted to entertainment platforms. These are crucial services for people all over the globe who rely on the offerings and broadcasts brought by these companies to seek information via – audio content, videos, television content, radio, etc. The range of broadcasting services is expanding with the improvement of technology, for which one has to recognize the need for time synchronization for optimal functioning. 


Broadcasting and synchronization – The link


A mismatch in the times of news broadcast or information exhibition on the media platforms can cause havoc. It misguides people and makes it difficult to operate. The companies need a stable and reliable time synching setup to ensure zero errors in the process. The concept of master and slave clock synching is useful in this case. Like all other industries where you have to function in a synchronized manner, the master clock does the trick. The single-point reference for time signal is the ultimate solution provider for optimal synchronization in broadcasting mediums.  


Master clock – How is it beneficial?


The super clock or master clock is not a known concept to people outside the industry. The technologically advanced and accurate clock defines synchronization and accuracy of functioning. A master clock receives the time signal and needs synchronization as well. From where does it set the time? A master clock uses source hardware like – GPS, GNSS, etc., to set the perfect time. The slave clocks resonate with the signal and set the time. 


Synchronization with a master clock


The time and frequency synchronization of master and slave clocks involve a complex process. You do not need to go deep into the concept of synching technology. Few terms like NTP and clock architecture would be sufficient for you to understand the role of the master clock in a broadcast channel. NTP refers to network time protocol and it is a time server. The globally recognized protocol coordinates the time with a chief clock. The clock architecture is the setup of the clock, server, and other slave clocks connected to the chief clock. 


Industries that need time synching


Time synchronization is a vital aspect of multiple industries and companies. Broadcasting companies like news agencies, radio, etc. need master clock reference to put out the mass information without any signal failure. Other professional sectors like – airports, stations, hospitals, space research institutes, universities, educational research centers, etc. need to implement the master clock setup or system. The infrastructure needs to be world-class and reliable to ensure zero inconsistencies in functioning. 


The significance of the clock setup


If the infrastructure of the clock system is not perfect, broadcasting channels can shut down. The mismatch in the timing of information broadcast is undesirable. So, the companies give priority to establishing a reliable setup for their professional functions. Experts in the company use NTP servers and other technologically updated slave clock synchronizing elements to ease the needs.  


Features that matter in the clock


Do you think any master clock can fit the role of being the ultimate source for time signals? No. There are a few critical qualities of the digitally advanced clock to perform the required task. The master clock features that the broadcasting companies necessitate and look for in the clock infrastructure setup are – 

  1. A system-wide and extensive network with precise operation
  2. Optimal flexibility of master clock to match the setup
  3. Genuine industrial standards – PTP, NTP, SMPTE, etc. 
  4. Existing network coordination and interoperability
  5. Network monitoring and functioning convenience
  6. Remote access with features of automation
  7. Virtualized count systems


Solution products for broadcasting media – The specialties


Modern solutions for the master clock to ensure better coordination are not difficult to find. But the challenging aspect is figuring out the correct choice. With many distributors and EIV contractors, one can find solutions for broadcasting companies and other time-sensitive industries. 


  1. Modular and convenient – Convenient is crucial with the modern-day time and clock setups. There may be existing clock infrastructure with the broadcasting companies, and the master clock has to fit aptly. The solution you seek from the distributor or EIV contractor must be convenient for the existing setup. 
  2. Precise timing – Precision or accuracy is the chief performance metric for time devices. Especially in the master clocks and servers, one cannot eliminate the accuracy factor. The source of the master clock needs to be perfect and ensure real-time synching. 
  3. Automation and control – The new age expandable master clock time servers meet the output requirements. The automation and control features of the server are apt for real-time broadcasting needs. The countdown and count-up features are essential for broadcasting channels and thus focus on the overall specifications.
  4. World-class functionality – Best-in-class clock setup for establishing an efficient infrastructure for broadcast media ensures data integrity. Avoiding the chances of mismatch in time, signal and frequency is critical and crucial. The reliably synced real-time media and information display are achievable only with world-class technology and amplified clock performance. 
  5. Reliability of setup – Lastly, the credibility of the distributor or maker helps the process. You can stay assured about the functionality and precision of the clock synch with a reputed company. They bring an ideal solution after analyzing the many challenging aspects of broadcasting services and mediums. 



Fix the behind the scene needs – The function of a master clock


The operation and functioning of the master clock happen behind the scene, and the out depends on it. So, the role of the master clock is deeper than you can imagine. Only those associated with the business can recognize the worth and importance of the master clocks and the setup. Decision-making depends on the perfect functioning of the master clock as you have to upload or stream information or media in real-time with optimal synch. 


Eliminate real-time challenges related to timing


Get the best solutions from the distributors of master clock solution systems and eliminate the challenges. Focus on the features and synchronization features to ensure making the correct decision.