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GNSS Solutions

GNSS Simulator


The full form of GNSS is Global Navigation Satellite System. GNSS is the commonly used term for a system providing navigation to users across the globe. Every global navigation system uses a collection of satellites, that help in broadcasting signals, processed by GNSS receivers. GNSS includes GPS, GLONASS, GALILEO & BEIDOU. The signals play a critical role in determining the location, speed, and time of global users. If you are looking out for solutions related to Global Navigation Satelite System in Dubai, UAE then you have landed in the right place as we have the complete solution for the same.

GNSS Simulator: A GNSS simulator brings an improved alternative for testing compared to the actual GNSS signals in a real-time environment. Unlike the setup of live testing, the GNSS simulator testing ensures optimal control over the simulated satellite signals and the environmental setup. With a GNSS simulator, professional testers can conveniently run and generate test results in various testing scenarios without losing control over the following critical aspects – 


  • Date, time, and location – With the simulators, it is possible to generate GNSS constellation signals anywhere and at any time. It is possible to create scenarios of any kind in the earth or space setup. The versatile testing facilities make it a perfect choice, as you do not need to step outside the lab. 
  • Vehicular motion and direction – Simulators can test accurately according to the motion and direction of the vehicles with the GNSS receivers. It could be an aircraft, ship, spacecraft, or even a land vehicle. Simulation scenarios with varied vehicle dynamics, for random routes and trajectories, make the testing process successful. All these are possible without moving outside the lab!
  • Environmental conditions – Simulators positively impact the GNSS receiver performance, including the dynamic atmospheric conditions, multipath reflections, antenna characteristics obscuration, signal interference, etc. The different atmospheric and environmental setups could be tested with a simulator under a controlled laboratory environment.
  • Errors and irregularities of signalling – Simulators ensure optimal control over the critical components and accurate features of the GNSS constellation signals. It can also help determine the equipment performance in case of errored signalling. 


We are the distributors of IP Solutions, Japan in the region for GNSS Solutions like GNSS Simulator, RF Recorder and SDR Receiver. If you are looking out for a supplier of GNSS Simulator in Dubai, UAE, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and Oman or you want to know the GNSS Simulator Price in Dubai, UAE then we can help you with our expertise by providing the appropriate GNSS simulators for your application