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In fields related to fiber optics, splicing is a common term. Splicing means the process of joining two or more fibers into a unit. It is essential while you are installing a new fiber network or trying to expand the already existing network. If the splicing is not correct, there will be network disruptions. For this, choosing the right splicing machines to perform the task is important.
While joining the fibers into a unit, there are two kinds of splicing techniques in use. You need to choose the correct one according to the characteristics of your network resources and efficiency of performance. Having knowledge on the two types will help you identify the one you require in your case.
In this process of splicing, it does not physically fuse the two fibers together. Here the two fibers fuse together in a butt-to-butt holding inside a sleeve with the help of mechanical mechanism. This kind of splicing is mainly in use when there is an emergency need of repairing or in cases of fiber testing. Here, the insertion loss is more and back reflection is also more. Select this option only if there is an emergency position that requires swift fixing.
In case of fusion splicing two fibers fuse together by the help of electric arc. It is a commonly used method of joining fibers as it provides lowest insertion lost and almost no back reflection. It is a more reliable joining method that takes place with the help of an automatic machine called fusion splicer for which it is always a better choice to opt.
Fusion splicing is a better choice of mechanism in the joining of two fibers, but you should know some of the aspects that require consideration in choosing the best splicing machine that can serve your cause.
The primary considering element in choosing of a fusion splicing machine is the alignment of the fiber. To obtain quality splicing through the process, you need to have precision fiber alignment. A quality fusion splicer will allow the fusing that will not significantly impede data throughput along the fiber optic link. Depending on it you should know of the two alignment factors that play a deal in choosing the right one.
The splicer of this kind is best for fusing single mode fibers as it offers a précised fiber core alignment, essential for small core ones. Here the loss of splice is only 0.02dB when checked with an OTDR. These are highly efficient while establishing a new fiber connection to an old legacy fiber that tends to have an inconsistent core geometry. It is also useful for enhancing the performance of multimode fiber.
In cases of ribbon splicing, the splicing machines having a single axis alignment performs better. In clad aligned ones the internal cameras and a fixed groove aid in the process of alignment. Generally, by using this kind of splicing machine, you can encounter a typical splicing loss of 0.05dB when verified. This kind is better for multimode fiber or single-mode fiber-related applications.
The two kinds of splicing machine models are bench-top and hand-held. The bench-top ones are larger than the other and have a flat bottom which helps in providing a more stable platform in production environments. In contrast, hand-held ones have a wide flat base that enables them to use like bench-top units. Bench-tops run by AC and also have the provision of DC battery, providing more than the other variant. On the other side, hand-held models are compact to use and better portable which can be powered by a rechargeable battery backup. For splicing in aerial spaces where there is no availability of AC power, hand-held models are better, like in LAN, FTTx, etc. So, choose according to your needs.
Other than these here are the two general aspects that needs attention while selection.
Heat shrink speed: Depends on the rate of performing splicing that may affect the efficiency as the heat shrinking influences in slow downing.
Information display: Having a bigger output screen helps to observe the splicing information like loss values, diagnostics, system status, and many more.
Remember these aspects to choose the right splicing machine that will help to perform the joining tasks efficiently.