The DL950 scopecorder is an exclusive combination of a Portable data acquisition unit and a mixed
signal oscilloscope that can be used to capture high speed transitory events and long run
movements. It is used for Troubleshooting and developing Electro mechanical systems.
Awareness – The DL950 provides an exceptional combination of high-speed sampling and signal
reliability of an oscilloscope and the longterm data recording capabilities of a recorder. The
DL950 measures signals at a high bit resolution and safeguards data in the toughest environments.
Adaptability – The eight slots can be equipped with a choice of over 20 types of input
modules, to
combine measurements of electrical signals, mechanical performance parameters indicated by sensors,
and decoded vehicle serial bus signals.
Usableness – The application menu eases the pre-measurement setup of different requests. A large
touch screen is also provided for better visibility.